Fact sheet
72535 (and its companion 72536) has a texture characteristic of a fine-grained, clast-bearing impact melt rather typical of the Apollo 17 highland breccias. It has a dark porous basaltic-textured groundmass, with plagioclase laths less than 30 microns long sub-ophitically enclosed by irregular mafic crystals. Ca-plagioclase is the major mineral clast. Small lithic clasts make up about ~5 % of the sample. Pink spinel is present as a minor constituent. Rotation 1 shows mineral and lithic clasts and rotation 2 mainly shows a maskelynitised feldspar clast.
The sample weighed 221.4 grams before analysis and has been dated at 3.8874±0.016 billion years (Ar/Ar).
Further details of this and other Apollo samples are here: http://curator.jsc.nasa.gov/lunar/