Fact sheet
Location: 6.8 km NNW. of Ethiudna Hill and NW. of Plumbago Station, County Lytton, South Australia, Australia.
Co-ordinates: 32° 2'S, 139° 47'E
Find or Fall: Find
Date: February 20, 1977
Recovered weight: 74.32 kg
Group: L chondrite
Type: L4-7
Classification: http://www.open.ac.uk/earth-research/tindle/AGT/AGT_Home_2010/MeteoriteClass-2.html
'Space Eyeful: A Virtual Space Microscope'
This collection presents digitised microscope images of rare and usually inaccessible extraterrestrial meteorite samples. The project was funded by the EUROPLANET consortium and is a collaboration between The Open University; The Natural History Museum, London; The Natural History Museum, Vienna; and NASA’s Meteorite Working Group (MWG).
Meteorites fall on the Earth every year, bringing with them information on the make-up of the solar system including the Moon, Mars and asteroids.
Image credit: The Alamat meteorite in situ, courtesy of Dr Svend Buhl, Meteorite Recon