S339 15 - Granodiorite
Click the microscope button to view a thin section for this sample.
Click the microscope button to view a thin section for this sample.

Fact sheet

S339 15 - Granodiorite

Collected by Jim Miller for his thesis on Bolivian granites

Supervised by Nigel Harris

B85/147a - location found using Jims thesis

Marked on Google map but really it shows nothing. We need a better base map! Having a satellite view option would be nice.

We don't have an InPlace graphic for the world (we have UK and Moon templates only), so one of those would be nice to have if we are having changes/additions made in LTS.

Additional images
  • Width of specimen 6 cm
  • Width of specimen 5 cm
  • Width 2 cm
  • Width 2 cm
-16.870919, -67.480602
About this collection

This collection consists of the rocks and thin sections used in the Open University modules.

The first set of samples are from the level 3 module Understanding the Continents. The theme of the module is crustal evolution in contrasting environments. It covers plate-tectonic processes including extensional regimes, subduction zone processes, and collisional processes such as the formation of the Himalaya. The module is intended for those with an understanding of the essentials of igneous and metamorphic rock-formation processes, plate-tectonic theory and structural processes.

Sample details

Collection: OU module rocks
Rock-forming mineral
Accessory minerals
Category guide  
Category Guide
Refers to any word or phrase that appears in the individual rock names. Names are generally descriptive; they allow users to search for broad terms like ‘granite’ as well as more specific names such as ‘breccia’. However, the adjacent descriptions of the specimens captures a wider range of general words and phrases and is a more powerful search tool.
Refers to any word or phrase that appears anywhere in the descriptions of the specimens
Accessory minerals
Minerals that occur in very low abundance in a rock. They are usually not visible with the naked eye and contribute perhapssver, they often dominate the rare elements such as platinum group metals.
Rock-forming minerals
Minerals that make up the bulk of all rock samples and are also the ones used in rock classi?cation.
Selecting one or more period, for example 'Jurassic'.
A term used to group together related samples that are not already gathered into a single Collection. For instance, there is a ‘SW England granites’ theme that includes such rock types as granite, hydrothermal breccia, skarn and vein samples.
A general term used to label a rock sample. It is a useful way of grouping similar samples throughout a collection. Category names are often, but not exclusively, common rock names (e.g. granite, basalt, dolerite, gabbro, greisen, skarn, gneiss, amphibolite, limestone, sandstone).
The owner of the sample that appears in the collection. For example, NASA owns all the samples that appear in the Moon Rocks collection
We would like to thank the following for the use of this sample: