Find out more about the UKVM project on YouTube
We've completed the JISC funded United Kingdom Virtual Microscope project although we've still got quite a few more rocks to add to the collection. As part of the project we've put over 100 virtual rocks on-line as thin sections, many with rotating 3D rotatable hand specimens. Each rock has its own metadata, the latitude and longitude, some information on its origin and the petrology. The JISC funding allowed us to create this website to host the UKVM collection, and using the DRUPAL based system we created, we've been able to expand the number of collections to include meteorites, and moon rocks. We've also been working with several University partners to digitise their teaching collections. They are only visible to those institutions at the moment but we hope they'll become more generally available soon.
We've posted a video on YouTube that explains what we did during the project, and links to some of the other projects happening at the Open Univeristy as part of the OpenScience Laboratory.
Take a look at the video if you want to learn more http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5gN5XmlYSk