Over 100 UK Rocks and Minerals Digitised and On-line
We've added a series of rocks in the last few weeks so we now have over 100 virtual UK rocks on-line, and 333 rocks in total on the site including the meteorites, Moon rocks and a few password protected collections.
As the location map shows, we've digitised rocks from all over the UK. The collection includes igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks and contains a comprehensive range, it's well worth a look. The most recent set of rocks posted were igneous and contact metamorphic rocks from the remnants of an ancient volcano on the Isle of Rum, part of the Paleogene age North Atlantic Igneous province.
We are still working through the backlog of samples and we'll hit 200 UK rocks before we are done. More collections are also on their way, some wonderful rotating hand specimens and thin sections of British Meteorites that we hope to put on-line in the comming months.